Monday, June 8, 2015

One More Week!!!!!!!!

I totally screwed up on vacation last week -- even though we were walking around all day, I couldn't help but eat the yummy food at Disneyland and California Adventure.  Plus everything else I could find.  So I'm so happy that it just fell off this week when I got back on track.  I was a little depressed at the beginning of the week and almost gave up, but I'm determined to lose 15-20 pounds this go around and I'm almost there! 

We're going back to California on Wednesday for a quick weekend and I am scared that I'm going to blow it at the end of the week, but I'm going to try my hardest.  I want to see 180-185 on the scale next Monday !!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2015

This is hard

This is the longest I've ever stuck to a plan to lost weight before and it sucks! I LOVE losing weight, but I hate not eating good food and choking down protein shakes and taking millions of vitamins and drinking so much water. 

I've lost my cravings for sugar for the time being.  I had some muffins yesterday and they had real sugar (usually I use organic at least), and I had the worst headache all day yesterday.

So basically, after a month I think I'm finally learning that losing weight and being healthy is worth the hassle.  I want to be better and healthier and more outgoing and adventurous and have more energy.  And if that means I can't have fun with food, then that's what I have to do.

Next week will be a tough one for me.  We're going on vacation and my mind is already basing it around the good food.  I have one week to get my head in the right place.  Don't get me wrong -- everyone deserves some yummy food every once in a while -- I just have to remember that every meal doesn't have to be fun on vacation! 

HALF WAY through the challenge!  I CAN DO IT...I CAN DO IT....I CAN DO IT....

Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 2

This is the most weight I've lost in such a short amount of time ever.  I'm pretty proud of myself.... even though I'm miserable most of the time.  I am super addicted to food, and it's really hard to detach myself and find other ways to celebrate, console, or have fun.  I just love food. 

This week my goal is to add more workouts -- I've done yoga a few times and walked my son to school a few times -- but I really want to make an effort every day to do some exercise.  I've mostly been focused on what I'm eating which is 97% of losing weight for me, but I do want to get stronger and feel better.

The biggest thing -- my blood pressure has gone down a little more, which I'm soooo happy about!

Monday, April 27, 2015


Started strong this time! 

I'm happy with my progress.  I've taken my vitamins every day (even though they make me nauseous), didn't drink any soda (only water), exercised a tiny bit (riding bikes and walking), and didn't eat past 6:30 pm (6:48 is when I start craving naughty treats), and we only ate out once on Saturday. 

This week I'm going to keep it all up, plus add in Yoga and more walking.  I think I'm starting to get over my sugar cravings for the most part, which is good.  I felt like poo the first couple of days, but I knew that would happen since my body is trying to get rid of the crap. 

This week will be AWESOME!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Round 2


Last time one of my goals was to stay motivated for all 8 weeks.  That didn't happen.  I really, really want to do that this time with the exception of one week off at the end of May when we go to California. 

This time I want to incorporate exercise (I know it's a no brainer, but my mind says I can skip it when I'm losing weight anyway).

Last time I said all I wanted was to lose 20 lbs so I could get pregnant in May.  That's in 13 lbs, but I don't feel like that's enough.  I really want to be healthy this pregnancy, so I'm going to try my best through the summer and see what happens.

My plan this time is to get off my daily habit of sugar and only save it for special occasions (Tuesday won't be counted as a special occasion anymore), drink more water, take my vitamins, and be happy with any progress that I'm making.

AND.....I'M GOING TO WIN!! (and buy myself some cowgirl boots with the moolah)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3rd Place

I lost 3 lbs this week.....too bad I gained 2 at the beginning first.

I've gotta do BETTER!!  I can't end in 3rd place!  That would be really sad. 

This week I WILL GET BELOW 200!!!!!  And I don't want to ever see that number on the scale ever again!

Monday, March 2, 2015

This week.

This week I lost 2.5 lbs.  I just mostly watched what I ate and didn't exercise at all.  I know I need to get back to exercising if I want to have long-term success, so I'm going to try and walk and ride bikes this week.

I get frustrated because I'm impatient to lose weight NOW.  But I just realized the other day that when I get down 12 more pounds, I'll have lost 40 total in the last 2 years -- half way to my goal weight.  So I need to stay positive.  It has to be enough that I'm going in the right direction. 

I'm hoping this week to get down below 200.  We can do thisssssssss!!!!!